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Frequently Asked Question

We provide top-notch business registration and bank solutions services to non US residence. This page will answer all of your questions. If you want to know more, please contact us.

Price varies from state to state. To register a business in Wyoming state it’s cost only $399

No, you don’t need to be a USA citizen to register an LLC, you can form an LLC in the USA from anywhere in the world.

We don’t need any documents to get form LLC. We require some info from you:
Your Company Name
Your Personal Address
Phone Number and Email
Later we will need Passport To set up your bank account.

You will have 2 ongoing annual fees:

  1. LLC renewal $62 for a Wyoming LLC
  2. The registered agent’s fee of $25 per year, your first year is free.
  3. A registered local business address cost from $50 per year

An EIN is like a SSN (Social Security Number) for your company. You don’t need an EIN to set up an LLC; however, you will be asked to have an EIN to open a US bank account. We get for you for free only in 4 or 5 business days with confirmation letter.

Hundreds of US companies have been formed by successful NON-US residents using our services.
We provide EIN in just 4 or 5 business days with confirmation letter.
What will you get in just one package:
1: Registered agent
2: Unique Address (including Mail forwarding services)
3: Article of organizations (LLC certificate)
4: Goods and Standing certificate
5: EIN with confirmation letter (express delivery).

Yes, You will be able to open a bank account.

No, You don’t need to pay anything after placing the order.

LLC is eligible for Amazon, Stripe, PayPal, US Bank Accounts, and many other benefits.

The registered agent collects, scans, and emails you every piece of mail that comes in. When particular papers are sent to your company address, you will also receive email notifications.

WY is the preferable State due to low or no State Tax, easy filling requirements, and quick process. States’ LLC laws make ideal choices because they’re so simple to run from a distance.

Yes, I also provide my services to other states. However, as the charge changes from state to state, you must first contact me for a quote.

There are free income taxes in nine states: Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.
How much time would it take to obtain the number?
As long as you have all the necessary information to complete a “Form SS-4.” Any business day, (Outside the USA). For inside USA entity, I will take 5 to 6 business days to get EIN.

Yes, sure, I will get your EIN number with confirmation letter. I’ll need your SS4 form and some basic detail.

I require this information to obtain your LLC. EIN – LLC Name, Your Full Name, US Address, Current Address, Owner Date of Birth, LLC Formation Date, and Article of Organization.

I require this information to obtain your Individual EIN. Your Name, Your address and some basic info about the business.

This letter is available at the same time as the EIN. It may be used to verify the EIN issued if you require verification to register for online services.

Your EIN will be mailed to the provided address within two weeks, and it will also be sent to you in a PDF file on Fiverr instantly.

The Form SS-4 requests information about your firm, such as its U.S. postal address, the sort of organization your company is, your purpose for asking for an EIN, and the industry you work in. This is the form we use when we initially file for an EIN; we will complete it together. After filling up.

Register Your Business in The USA Now

We offer banking, EIN, and LLC formation services. For individuals who want to launch a business in the USA.